Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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How evidence-based policymaking helps and hinders policy conflict
Beyond the dichotomy between migrant smuggling and human trafficking
Close encounters of the third kind?
Personal genomes in practice
Policy learning type shifts during creeping crises
Belgium: struggling with solidarity
High-stakes crisis management in the Low Countries: comparing government responses to COVID-19
Academic policy advice in consensus-seeking countries: the cases of Belgium and Germany
Why do Ministers Ask for Policy Evaluation Studies? The Case of the Flemish Government
Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance: een ideeënhistorische verkenning van de oorzaken en de gevolgen van de constitutionele verankering van de prerogatieven van de levensbeschouwingen in België met bijzondere aandacht voor het onderwijs
Beleidsvoering tijdens lange regeringsonderhandelingen? De Belgische ervaring.
Impact of performance audit on the Administration: A Belgian study (2005-2010)
Policy analytical practice investigated: exploring patterns in use of policy analytical techniques
Taking Care of Policy in Times of Crisis: Comparative Lessons from Belgium’s Longest Caretaker Government
Beleidsevaluatie vandaag: Een voorzichtige balans
Taking Care of Policy in Times of Crisis: Comparative Lessons from Belgium's Longest Caretaker Government
Who's in and who's out? Explaining access to policy-makers in Belgium
Explaining Variance in Policy Evaluation Regularity. The Case of the Flemish Public Sector
Organisational analytical capacity: Policy evaluation in Belgium
Caractérisation physico-chimique et recherche des provenances des hématites oolithiques des sites du Néolithique ancien de Hesbaye (Province de Liège, Belgique) et des sites néolithiques des sources de la Dendre (Province du Hainaut, Belgique)
