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Mast cells in advanced atherosclerosis
CD8+ T-cells in atherosclerosis
Effects of lipids on DNA methylation and gene expression of immune cells implicated in atherosclerosis
Signal intensity and volume of carotid intraplaque hemorrhage on magnetic resonance imaging and the risk of ipsilateral cerebrovascular events
Advances in cardiac computed tomography angiography and characterization of cardiac disease
ASGR1 deficiency improves atherosclerosis but alters liver metabolism in ApoE-/- mice
Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor inhibition by EC359 reduces atherosclerotic stenosis grade in Ldlr-/- mice
The effects of triglycerides and fatty acids on T cells
Characterization of age-associated immunity in atherosclerosis
Liposome-based vaccines for immune modulation
Detectability of intracranial vessel wall atherosclerosis using black-blood spectral CT
Cardiovascular disease burden in thoracic aortopathy
Sexual dimorphism in atherosclerotic plaques of aged Ldlr-/- mice
Resident memory T cells in the atherosclerotic lesion associate with reduced macrophage content and increased lesion stability
Single-cell immune profiling of atherosclerosis
Virus-associated CD8+T-cells are not activated through antigen-mediated interaction inside atherosclerotic lesions
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of mast cells in atherosclerotic plaque progression and destabilization
Increased incidence of napkin-ring sign plaques on cervicocerebral computed tomography angiography associated with the risk of acute ischemic stroke occurrence
Identifying lipid traces of atherogenic mechanisms in human carotid plaque
Immunity in atherosclerosis
