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ELT/METIS and the AGN torus
Ionization by galaxy cluster photons alters the ionization state of the nearby warm-hot intergalactic medium
Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way
‘A New Scientific Conception of the Human World’: Anton Pannekoek’s Understanding of Scientific Socialism
Anton Pannekoek: Ways of Viewing Science and Society
Infrared spectroscopy of astrophysically relevant hydrocarbons
Design, implementation and evaluation of transnational collaborative programmes in astronomy education and public outreach
Warm and cold gas in low-mass protostars : Herschel Space Observatory and ground-based surveys
Millimeter emission from protoplanetary disks : dust, cold gas, and relativistic electrons
Infrared Interferometric observation of dust in the nuclei of active galaxies
Extreme star formation in starburst galaxies
Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems
Protoclusters associated with distant radio galaxies
Dark Matter in the Universe