Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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No visible means of subsistence : rural livelihoods, gender and social change in Mooiplaas, Eastern Cape 1950-1998
Zuid-Afrika's rol in Afrika: vredestichter of (wapen)handelaar?
Sub-Saharan Africa betwixt and between: rural livelihood practices and policies
Introduction: the domestication of chieftaincy in Africa: from the imposed to the imagined
Mary's room: a case study on becoming a consumer in Francistown, Botswana
The implementation of environmental policies in Africa: an example from Senegal
African rural labour, income diversification and livelihood approaches: a long-term development perspective
Containing conflict in the Economic Community of West African States: lessons from the intervention in Liberia, 1990-1997
Globalization, consumption, development
Tweesporenbeleid bij ontwikkeling Afrikaanse curricula: Afrika-Studiecentrum reageert op Peter Crossman
International election observation: A discussion on policy and practice
Spraakverwarring over nieuw ontwikkelingsbeleid
Urban agriculture in Africa: a bibliographical survey
Special issue: Language and Culture
Muslim proselytization as purification: religious pluralism and conflict in contemporary Mali
Cross-border cattle marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1990: geographical patterns and government induced change
Nederlandse geografen over Afrika
Weg met de Chief
Maize marketing in Kenya, 1976-1996
Staatsinrichting in Afrika: import of eigen kweek?
