Interest groups play an important role within a democratic society. Less is known about their role within the legal system. Meanwhile, interest groups are the driving force behind many high-profile... Show moreInterest groups play an important role within a democratic society. Less is known about their role within the legal system. Meanwhile, interest groups are the driving force behind many high-profile lawsuits against the Dutch government, such as the lawsuits concerning climate change, the quality of asylum facilities, and the Dutch nitrogen policy. This research focuses on the access of interest groups to the courts. How extensive is their access? Does it threaten or protect a democratic society under the rule of law? The access of interest groups to Dutch administrative and civil courts is evaluated in terms of legitimacy and effectiveness. Since interest group litigation is at the intersection of politics and law, the research adopts an interdisciplinary approach. Beyond the boundaries of Dutch legal scholarship, it seeks insights from social sciences regarding the role of interest groups within the political decision-making process. Additionally, it examines, from a legal sociological perspective, the role that interest groups play in public interest litigation in the United States. As a result, the research explores approaches, concepts, and arguments that have largely remained outside of the Dutch legal legal discourse. Ultimately, this leads to a reassessment of both the legitimacy and effectiveness of interest groups' access to the courts. Show less
De bestuursrechter wordt de laatste jaren steeds vaker geconfronteerd met geschillen over de verdeling van zogeheten ‘schaarse publieke rechten’. Schaarse publieke rechten zijn vergunningen... Show more De bestuursrechter wordt de laatste jaren steeds vaker geconfronteerd met geschillen over de verdeling van zogeheten ‘schaarse publieke rechten’. Schaarse publieke rechten zijn vergunningen, subsidies en andere publiekrechtelijke rechten waarvan de beschikbaarheid is beperkt door middel van een ‘plafond’ en waarnaar de vraag groter is dan het aanbod. Schaarse publieke rechten komen op uiteenlopende terreinen van het bestuursrecht voor. Enkele bekende voorbeelden van schaarse publieke rechten zijn: frequentievergunningen, kansspelvergunningen, concessies voor openbaar vervoer, NWO-subsidies en cultuursubsidies. De verdeling van schaarse publieke rechten op de verschillende bijzondere terreinen van het bestuursrecht roept vanuit het perspectief van het algemeen bestuursrecht gemeenschappelijke vragen op. In dit proefschrift staat een van deze gemeenschappelijke vragen centraal: de vraag of het bestuursprocesrecht van de Awb voldoende is toegesneden op de verdeling van schaarse publieke rechten. Uit het onderzoek zijn vijf knelpunten naar voren gekomen: ketenbesluitvorming, de noodzaak om meerdere besluiten aan te vechten, de geringe controleerbaarheid van de uitkomsten van het verdeelproces, de beperkte mogelijkheden tot materieel rechtsherstel en de geringe mogelijkheden tot schadevergoeding. In dit boek worden deze knelpunten beschreven en geanalyseerd en worden enkele oplossingsrichtingen verkend. Waar nuttig en mogelijk is daarbij de vergelijking getrokken met de aanbesteding van overheidsopdrachten. Show less
The subject of this thesis is the powers of the administrative and civil courts relating to the law and the facts. It covers the duty to supplement the legal grounds of both courts, the prohibition... Show moreThe subject of this thesis is the powers of the administrative and civil courts relating to the law and the facts. It covers the duty to supplement the legal grounds of both courts, the prohibition against supplementing the facts of the civil court and the discretionary power to supplement the facts of the administrative court. Also discussed are the civil procedural and administrative procedural law as the setting for the application of these articles, a number of characteristics and principles of both laws and the respective court__s task in the procedure. The recent (proposed) changes tot civil procedural law are discussed as well. The aim of the research for this thesis was to determine the meaning of Article 8:69 Awb in the light of Article 48 (old) Rv. The problem was researched from the perspective of the court, legal counsel and the __interested party__ which finds itself or himself confronted with the application of Article 8:69 Awb and wishes to know what the provisions of this article mean and what their effect is in the proceedings. Show less