Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Adjuvant holmium-166 radioembolization after radiofrequency ablation in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Perioperative or adjuvant mFOLFIRINOX for resectable pancreatic cancer (PREOPANC-3)
Prevalence, clinical and molecular characteristics of early stage EGFR-mutated lung cancer in a real-life West- European cohort
Gene expression signatures in older patients with breast cancer: a systematic review
Molecular endometrial carcinoma classification
The effects of tumor resection and adjuvant therapy on the peripheral blood immune cell profile in patients with colon carcinoma
Quality of Life After Curative Resection for Rectal Cancer in Patients Treated With Adjuvant Chemotherapy Compared With Observation: Results of the Randomized Phase III SCRIPT Trial
Shared decision-making about treatments for early breast cancer : preferences of older patients and clinicians
Risk stratification of sentinel node-positive melanoma patients defines surgical management and adjuvant therapy treatment considerations
Coming of age : treatment and outcomes in older patients with breast cancer
Preferred and Perceived Participation of Younger and Older Patients in Decision Making About Treatment for Early Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study
Molecular alterations in endometrial cancer: implications for clinical management
A Prospective Comparison of Younger and Older Patients' Preferences for Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Hormonal Therapy in Early Breast Cancer
Prognostic Role of Overt Hypercortisolism in Completely Operated Patients with Adrenocortical Cancer
Post operative radiation therapy in endometrial carcinoma : reducing overtreatment and improving quality of life
The Role of Radiotherapy in Endometrial Cancer: Current Evidence and Trends
Which factors should be taken into account in perimenopausal women with early breast cancer who may become eligible for an aromatase inhibitor? Recommendations of an expert panel