Mantener seguro el ciberespacio es una tarea compleja que supone un reto constante para las instituciones públicas. A la primera oleada de desinterés político por la ciberseguridad le ha seguido... Show moreMantener seguro el ciberespacio es una tarea compleja que supone un reto constante para las instituciones públicas. A la primera oleada de desinterés político por la ciberseguridad le ha seguido una renovada preocupación por la soberanía digital, la defensa de la ciberseguridad nacional y, más recientemente, la protección de la ciudadanía en el ciberespacio. Para cumplir estos objetivos, los Estados han desarrollado normativas, instituciones y prácticas basadas en diferentes narrativas. Este estudio analiza las instituciones involucradas en la gobernanza de la ciberseguridad en España a través de cuatro prácticas: cultura de ciberseguridad, respuesta a ciber incidentes y ciber crisis, protección de infrastructuras críticas e investigación criminal. El artículo aporta evidencias coincidentes con la conclusión de que España ha adoptado la narrativa de la gobernanza multi-stakeholder a través de competencias distribuidas entre diferentes actores. Este enfoque se ha materializado en fragmentación institucional y a la falta de claridad sobre el sistema de ciberseguridad en España. El artículo finaliza con propuestas de políticas públicas que podrían contribuir a una mayor unidad, coordinación y claridad del sistema de gobernanza de la ciberseguridad. Show less
European integration theories help us understand the actors and mechanisms that drive European integration. Traditionally, European integration scholars used grand theories of integration to... Show moreEuropean integration theories help us understand the actors and mechanisms that drive European integration. Traditionally, European integration scholars used grand theories of integration to explain why integration progresses or stands still. Born out of assumptions that are prevalent in realist international relations theories, intergovernmentalism was first developed as a theory in opposition to neofunctionalism. In a nutshell, intergovernmentalism argues that states (i.e., national governments or state leaders), based on national interests, determine the outcome of integration. Intergovernmentalism was seen as a plausible explanatory perspective during the 1970s and 1980s, when the integration process seemed to have stalled. Despite the fact that it could not explain many of the gradual incremental changes or informal politics, intergovernmentalism—as did various other approaches—gained renewed popularity in the 1990s, following the launch of liberal intergovernmentalism. During that decade, the study of European integration was burgeoning, triggered in part by the aim to complete the single market and the signing of the Maastricht Treaty that launched the European Union (EU). Intergovernmentalism also often received considerable pushback from researchers who were unconvinced by its core predictions. Attempts to relaunch intergovernmentalism were made in the 2010s, in response to the observation that EU member states played a prominent role in dealing with the various crises that the EU was confronted with at that time, such as the financial crisis and the migration crisis. Although intergovernmentalism is unable —and is not suited —to explain all aspects of European integration, scholars revert to intergovernmentalism as a theoretical approach in particular when examining the role of member states in European politics. Outside the EU, in the international arena (such as the United Nations), intergovernmentalism is also observed when studying various forums in which member states come together to bargain over particular collective outcomes in an intergovernmental setting. Show less