Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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SO and SiS emission tracing an embedded planet and compact 12CO and 13CO counterparts in the HD 169142 disk
Interstellar carbonaceous dust erosion induced by X-ray irradiation of water ice in star-forming regions
Evidence for ubiquitous carbon grain destruction in hot protostellar envelopes
How large Is a disk-what do protoplanetary disk gas sizes really mean?
Detection of interstellar E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene in GOTHAM observations of TMC-1
Coevolution of dust and chemistry in galaxy simulations with a resolved interstellar medium
MAPS: constraining serendipitous time variability in protoplanetary disk molecular ion emission
FAUST. VII. Detection of a hot corino in the prototypical warm Carbon-chain chemistry source IRAS 15398-3359
The distribution of high-excitation OCS emission around the Cep A-East protostellar cluster
A spectral survey of CH3CCH in the hot molecular core G331.512-0.103
Infrared H2O absorption in massive protostars at high spectral resolution
Toward detecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on planetary objects with ORIGIN
Gap opening and inner disk structure in the strongly accreting transition disk of DM Tau
CORINOS. I. JWST/MIRI spectroscopy and imaging of a class 0 protostar IRAS 15398-3359
Dependence of X_CO on metallicity, intensity, and spatial scale in a self-regulated interstellar medium
Ice Age
Hydrostatic equilibrium does not solve the C18O flux problem in protoplanetary disks
Effect of MHD wind-driven disk evolution on the observed sizes of protoplanetary disks
