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Transplantation Results of Completely HLA-Mismatched Living and Completely HLA-Matched Deceased-Donor Kidneys Are Comparable
HLA monomers as a tool to monitor indirect allorecognition
Exchange of best practices: Standardization of abdominal organ procurement surgery
Modelling the benefits and costs of integrating an acceptable HLA mismatch allocation model for highly-sensitised patients
No Acceleration of UV-Induced Skin Carcinogenesis from Evenly Spread Dietary Intake of Cyclosporine in Contrast to Oral Bolus Dosages
Coordinating Unspecified Living Kidney Donation and Transplantation Across the Blood-Type Barrier in Kidney Exchange
Pretransplantation GAD-Autoantibody Status to Guide Prophylactic Antibody Induction Therapy in Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation
Hybrid Polymer Hydrogel Scaffolds for the Improvement of Islets of Langerhans Revascularization After Transplantation
Label-Free Detection of Insulin and Glucagon within Islets of Langerhans using Raman Spectroscopy
Hybrid Polymer Hydrogel Scaffolds for the Improvement of Islets of Langerhans Revascularization After Transplantation
Controlled Aggregation of Primary Human Pancreatic Islet Cells Using Agarose Microwell Chips
Microwell Scaffolds for Extrahepatic Transplantation of Islets of Langerhans
Generation of Human Pancreatic Organoids in a Three-Dimensional Culture System as a Potential New Source for Beta Cells
Optimizing the Islet Cell Counter-2 for IEQ Assessment
Human Beta-Cell Lines as Tools to Study Immune Protection Strategies in Diabetes
Hypothermal Machine Perfusion of Human Donor Pancreata Prior to Islet Isolation: A Pilot Study
Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Induces Release of Angiopoietin-2 From Human Grafts of Living and Deceased Donors
Expansion of Memory-Type CD8(+) T Cells Correlates With the Failure of Early Immunosuppression Withdrawal After Cadaver Liver Transplantation Using High-Dose ATG Induction and Rapamycin
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Solid Organ Transplantation (MiSOT) Fourth Meeting: Lessons Learned from First Clinical Trials
Predictive Factors of Allosensitization After Immunosuppressant Withdrawal in Recipients of Long-Term Cultured Islet Cell Grafts
