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Joint assessment in von Willebrand disease Validation of the Haemophilia Joint Health score and Haemophilia Activities List
von Willebrand factor deficiency leads to impaired blood flow recovery after ischaemia in mice
External validation of the VTE-BLEED score for predicting major bleeding in stable anticoagulated patients with venous thromboembolism
Control of anticoagulation with VKAs: overestimation of median TTR when assessed by linear interpolation: Reply
Vitamin K Antagonists Compared to Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins for Treatment of Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolism: An Observational Study in Routine Clinical Practice. An Observational Study in Routine Clinical Practice
Control of anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists: overestimation of median time in therapeutic range when assessed by linear interpolation
Tissue factor associates with survival and regulates tumour progression in osteosarcoma
The association of F11 genetic variants with the risk of incident venous thrombosis among women, by statin use
The incidence and treatment of bleeding episodes in non-severe haemophilia A patients with inhibitors
Platelet density per monocyte predicts adverse events in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention
Increased risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with bullous pemphigoid The INVENTEP (INcidence of VENous ThromboEmbolism in bullous Pemphigoid) study
Endothelial-specific deficiency of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-C promotes vessel normalisation in proliferative retinopathy
Point-of-care testing and INR within-subject variation in patients receiving a constant dose of vitamin K antagonist
The "OPTI-CLOT" trial
Anticoagulant therapy of cancer patients: Will patient selection increase overall survival?
Thromboembolic resolution assessed by CT pulmonary angiography after treatment for acute pulmonary embolism
Design and rationale for RE-VERSE AD: A phase 3 study of idarucizumab, a specific reversal agent for dabigatran
Inhibitors in nonsevere haemophilia A: outcome and eradication strategies
Thrombin generation and low-molecular-weight heparin prophylaxis in pregnant women with thrombophilia
Performance of a diagnostic algorithm based on a prediction rule, D-dimer and CT-scan for pulmonary embolism in patients with previous venous thromboembolism A systematic review and meta-analysis
