Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Modeling match performance in elite volleyball players
A Bioluminescent Sensor for Rapid Detection of PPEP-1, a Clostridioides difficile Biomarker
Early detection of fluid retention in patients with advanced heart failure
A usability study of physiological measurement in school using wearable sensors
Prediction of the levodopa challenge test in Parkinson's disease using data from a wrist-worn sensor (vol 19, 5153, 2019)
Real-time person identification in a hospital setting: a systematic review
Artificial neural network for atrial fibrillation identification in portable devices
Digital Health Sensing for Personalized Dermatology
Identifying Stops and Moves in WiFi Tracking Data
Validation of Foot Placement Locations from Ankle Data of a Kinect v2 Sensor
MMP-2/9-Specific Activatable Lifetime Imaging Agent