Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Investigating the correlation between Xrn1-resistant RNAs and frameshifter pseudoknots
DMD antisense oligonucleotide mediated exon skipping efficiency correlates with flanking intron retention time and target position within the exon
All genera of Flaviviridae host a conserved Xrn1-resistant RNA motif
All genera of Flaviviridae host a conserved Xrn1-resistant RNA motif
Xrn1-resistant RNA structures are well-conserved within the genus flavivirus
Xrn1-resistant RNA structures are well-conserved within the genus flavivirus
Structural features of an Xrn1-resistant plant virus RNA
Non-sequential and multi-step splicing of the dystrophin transcript
Deciphering the RNA landscape by RNAome sequencing
RNA structural constraints in the evolution of the influenza A virus genome NP segment
Antisense-mediated modulation of splicing Therapeutic implications for duchenne muscular dystrophy
A family of non-classical pseudoknots in influenza A and B viruses