Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Diagnosing eyewitness identifications with reaction time‑based Concealed Information Test
Developmental and age differences in visuomotor adaptation across the lifespan
Action prediction modulates self-other integration in joint action
Spatial knowledge acquired from first-person and dynamic map perspectives
Embodied self-other overlap in romantic love
Embodied self-other overlap in romantic love
Freezing in response to social threat: a replication
Food for thought: association between dietary tyrosine and cognitive performance in younger and older adults
Attentional processing of itch
Personality assimilation across species: enfacing an ape reduces own intelligence and increases emotion attribution to apes
Response preparation, response selection difficulty, and response-outcome learning
Rumination impairs the control of stimulus-induced retrieval of irrelevant information, but not attention, control, or response selection in general
The roles of consistency and exclusivity in perceiving body ownership and agency
Metacontrol and body ownership: Divergent thinking increases the virtual hand illusion
Attentional processing of itch
Sharing tasks or sharing actions? Evidence from the joint Simon task
Game-based training of flexibility and attention improves task-switch performance: near and far transfer of cognitive training in an EEG study
Food for thought: association between dietary tyrosine and cognitive performance in younger and older adults
