Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Deep learning for galaxy mergers in the galaxy main sequence
Probing the non-thermal emission in the Perseus cluster with the JVLA
On the prospects of imaging Sagittarius A* from space
Overview of IAU OAD regional offices and language centres
The IAU strategic plan for 2020-2030: OAD
The IAU strategic plan for 2020-2030: OAO
Planetary systems in star clusters: the dynamical evolution and survival
Episodic accretion in focus
Dust mass and dust production efficiencies on the redshift frontier
Star-formation efficiency at 600Myr of cosmic time
A mid-infrared interferometric survey of the planet-forming region around young Sun-like stars
Average radio spectral energy distribution of highly star-forming galaxies
The chemical connection between 67P/C-G and IRAS 16293-2422
Measuring Magnetic Fields from Water Masers Associated with a Synchrotron Protostellar Jet
CH3NCO detections in observations and the laboratory
Chemical evolution in planet-forming regions. Impact on volatile abundances and C/O ratios of planet-building material
SuperMALT: Physical and Chemical Properties of Massive and Dense Clumps
Solid-state production of complex organic molecules: H-atom addition versus UV irradiation
Fragmentation and molecular growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the interstellar medium
