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  • (-) ≠ Vlugt, T.J.H.
  • (-) ≠ Mathematical Institute (MI)

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Realizing symmetry-breaking architectures in soap films
Mechanochemical active feedback generates convergence extension in epithelial tissue
Scroll waves and filaments in excitable media of higher spatial dimension
Counting and sequential information processing in mechanical metamaterials
Detecting bell correlations in multipartite non-Gaussian spin states
Flat Γ  moiré bands in twisted bilayer WSe2
Observation of collider muon neutrinos with the SND@LHC experiment
Hydrodynamic enhancement of p-atic defect dynamics
Machine learning of implicit combinatorial rules in mechanical metamaterials
Long-ranged order and flow alignment in sheared p-atic liquid crystals
Complexity for conformal field theories in general dimensions
Cholesteric shells
Candidate tidal disruption event AT2019fdr coincident with a high-energy neutrino
Orientational correlations in active and passive nematic defects
Design of pseudo-mechanisms and multistable units for mechanical metamaterials
Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes produces a superconducting Landau level
Artificial coherent states of light by multiphoton interference in a single-photon stream
Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in optomechanics
Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets
Evolution of the primordial axial charge across cosmic times
