Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Best practices of modeling complex materials in electrocatalysis, exemplified by oxygen evolution reaction on pentlandites
An integrated approach towards extracting structural characteristics of chlorosomes from a bchQ mutant of Chlorobaculum tepidum
Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy and dissociative photoionization of benzonitrile
In-depth magnetometry and EPR analysis of the spin structure of human-liver ferritin: from DC to 9 GHz
Spectroscopic investigation of a Co(0001) model catalyst during exposure to H2 and CO at near-ambient pressures
Adsorption dynamics of O2 on Cu(111)
SNARE mimic peptide triggered membrane fusion kinetics revealed using single particle techniques
Interfacial pH measurements during CO2 reduction on gold using a rotating ring-disk electrode
Using micro-solvation and generalized coordination numbers to estimate the solvation energies of adsorbed hydroxyl on metal nanoparticles
Alignment and impact angular dependence to O-2 sticking and dissociation on Pt(111) and close-packed steps
Controlling amphipathic peptide adsorption by smart switchable germanium interfaces
Electrolyte buffering species as oxygen donor shuttles in CO electrooxidation
Automated assessment of redox potentials for dyes in dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells
Topological principles of protein folding
Dipolar repulsion in alpha-halocarbonyl compounds revisited
Simultaneous sulfidation of Mo and Co oxides supported on Au(111)
High-level ab initio quartic force fields and spectroscopic characterization of C2N-
Computational approaches to dissociative chemisorption on metals
