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antiSMASH 7.0: new and improved predictions for detection, regulation, chemical structures and visualisation
Precise homology-directed installation of large genomic edits in human cells with cleaving and nicking high-specificity Cas9 variants
Comprehensive chromatin proteomics resolves functional phases of pluripotency and identifies changes in regulatory components
Unexpected moves
Depletion of the RNA-binding protein PURA triggers changes in posttranscriptional gene regulation and loss of P-bodies
The B. subtilis Rok protein is an atypical H-NS-like protein irresponsive to physico-chemical cues
MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters
Large-scale genome editing based on high-capacity adenovectors and CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases rescues full-length dystrophin synthesis in DMD muscle cells
THO complex deficiency impairs DNA double-strand break repair via the RNA surveillance kinase SMG-1
MutL binds to 3 ' resected DNA ends and blocks DNA polymerase access
ZMYM2 restricts 53BP1 at DNA double-strand breaks to favor BRCA1 loading and homologous recombination
antiSMASH 6.0
7 ',5 '-alpha-bicyclo-DNA
HMDB 5.0: the Human Metabolome Database for 2022
Broadening the reach and investigating the potential of prime editors through fully viral gene-deleted adenoviral vector delivery
Novel anti-repression mechanism of H-NS proteins by a phage protein
