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Clinical and pathogenic aspects of the severe cutaneous adverse reaction epidermal necrolysis (EN)
Mobile e-diary application facilitates the monitoring of patient-reported outcomes and a high treatment adherence for clinical trials in dermatology
Mobile e-diary application facilitates the monitoring of patient-reported outcomes and a high treatment adherence for clinical trials in dermatology
Frequency and prognosis of associated malignancies in 504 patients with lymphomatoid papulosis
Pathophysiology and management of sensitive skin: position paper from the special interest group on sensitive skin of the International Forum for the Study of Itch (IFSI)
No effect of topical digoxin and furosemide gel for patients with external anogenital warts
Basal cell carcinoma genetic susceptibility increases the rate of skin ageing: a Mendelian randomization study
'The psychosocial burden of alopecia areata and androgenetica’: a cross-sectional multicenter study among dermatological out-patients in 13 European countries
Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions
Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions
Metastasis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in organ transplant recipients and the immunocompetent population: is there a difference? a systematic review and meta-analysis
The self-assessed psychological comorbidities of prurigo in European patients
A breathtaking DRESS due to amoxicillin-clavulanate presenting as polymorphic eruption of the pregnancy
Recognizing the haystack is the task of the primary care physician
Which acne treatment has the best influence on health-related quality of life? Literature review by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Force on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes
Topical ionic contra-viral therapy comprised of digoxin and furosemide as a potential novel treatment approach for common warts
The opinion of dermoscopy experts about teledermoscopy involving primary care physicians and dermatologists
Quality of life measurement in acne. Position Paper of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Forces on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes and Acne, Rosacea and Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Increased expression of microRNA-155 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from psoriasis patients is related to disease activity
