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Apathy Is Associated With Greater Decline in Subjective, but not in Objective Measures of Physical Functioning in Older People Without Dementia
The ApoE e4 Isoform: Can the Risk of Diseases be Reduced by Environmental Factors?
Longevity Around the Turn of the 20th Century: Life-Long Sustained Survival Advantage for Parents of Today's Nonagenarians
Zinc-Induced Metallothionein in Centenarian Offspring From a Large European Population: The MARK-AGE Project
Activation-Induced Autophagy Is Preserved in CD4(+)T-Cells in Familial Longevity
Systemic Age-Associated DNA Hypermethylation of ELOVL2 Gene: In Vivo and In Vitro Evidences of a Cell Replication Process
Temporal Relationship Between Cognitive and Physical Performance in Middle-Aged to Oldest Old People
How is Change in Physical Health Status Reflected by Reports of Nurses and Older People Themselves?
Thyroid Status and Mortality Risk in Older Adults With Normal Thyrotropin: Sex Differences in the Milan Geriatrics 75+Cohort Study
P16INK4a Positive Cells in Human Skin Are Indicative of Local Elastic Fiber Morphology, Facial Wrinkling, and Perceived Age
Calculating the Rate of Senescence From Mortality Data: An Analysis of Data From the ERA-EDTA Registry
Brain Volume as an Integrated Marker for the Risk of Death in a Community-Based Sample: Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study
CCR4(+) Regulatory T Cells Accumulate in the Very Elderly and Correlate With Superior 8-Year Survival
Associations Between Thrombin Generation and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Elderly Patients: Results From the PROSPER Study
GWAS of Longevity in CHARGE Consortium Confirms APOE and FOXO3 Candidacy
The Alcohol Paradox: Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption, Cognitive Function, and Brain Volume
Prediction of Adverse Health Outcomes in Older People Using a Frailty Index Based on Routine Primary Care Data
Facial Appearance Reflects Human Familial Longevity and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Healthy Individuals
Distinguishing Between Longevity and Buffered-Deleterious Genotypes for Exceptional Human Longevity: The Case of the MTP Gene
Chronic Inhibition of the Respiratory Chain in Human Fibroblast Cultures: Differential Responses Related to Subject Chronological and Biological Age
