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Dissociation of CHD3 on Cu(111) Cu(211) and single atom alloys of Cu(111)
Performing SELEX experiments in silico
Inelastic cotunneling with energy-dependent contact transmission
Possible effect of static surface disorder on diffractive scattering of H2 from Ru(0001): Comparison between theory and experiment
Note: A new truncation correction for the configurational temperature extends its applicability to interaction potentials with a discontinuous force
Methane Dissociation on Pt(111): Searching for a Specific Reaction Parameter Density Functional
Dynamics of H2 dissociation on the close-packed (111) surface of the noblest metal: H2 + Au(111)
Modeling surface motion effects in N2 dissociation on W(110): Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Calculations and Generalized Langevin Oscillator Model
The anharmonic quartic force field infrared spectra of five non-linear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Benz [a] anthracene, chrysene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and triphenylene
Fingerprints of energy dissipation for exothermic surface chemical reactions: O2 on Pd(100)
N2 dissociation on W(110): An ab initio molecular dynamics study on the effect of phonons
N-2 dissociation on W(110): An ab initio molecular dynamics study on the effect of phonons
N-2 dissociation on W(110): An ab initio molecular dynamics study on the effect of phonons
The effect of the exchange-correlation functional on H-2 dissociation on Ru(0001)
Triezenberg-Zwanzig expression for the surface tension of a liquid drop
Probing redox proteins on a gold surface by single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy
Evidence of stable high-temperature D-x-CO intermediates on the Ru(0001) surface
Evidence of stable high-temperature Dx-CO intermediates on the Ru(0001) surface
Direct determination of the Tolman length from the bulk pressures of liquid drops via molecular dynamics simulations
