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Ruthenium-based PACT agents based on bisquinoline chelates
Mixed guanine, adenine base quartets: Possible roles of protons and metal ions in their stabilization
The hairpin conformation of the Amyloid β peptide is a common structural motif along the aggregation pathway
Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes and their modes of interaction with DNA: Is there a correlation between these interactions and the antitumor activity of the compounds?
DNA cleavage and binding selectivity of a heterodinuclear Pt-Cu(3-Clip-Phen) complex
The metal bonding domain of the antitumor drug Fe(II)-bleomycin
Sensitive detection of the redox state of copper proteins using fluorescence
Synthetic analogues of the histidine-chlorophyll complex
The pH-dependent redox inactivation of amicyanin from Paracoccus versutus as studied by rapid protein-film voltammetry
An amicyanin C-terminal loop mutant where the active-site histidine donor cannot be protonated
The binding of imidazole in an azurin-like blue-copper site
Cysteine ligand vibrations are responsible for the complex resonance Raman spectrum of azurin
Electron relaxation and solvent accessibility of the metal site in wild-type and mutated azurins as determined from nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion experiments