Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Synchronous change in subjective and physiological reactivity during flight as an indicator of treatment outcome for aviophobia
Repetitive negative thinking as a mediator in prospective cross-disorder associations between anxiety and depression disorders and their symptoms
Dual-tasking during recall of negative memories or during visual perception of images: Effects on vividness and emotionality
Emotion avoidance and fear bradycardia in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls
The influence of worry and avoidance on the Iowa Gambling Task
The effects of a visual search attentional bias modification paradigm on attentional bias in dysphoric individuals
Consistency of reporting sexual and physical abuse during psychological treatment of personality disorder: An explorative study
Memory of childhood trauma before and after long-term psychological treatment of borderline personality disorder.
Behavioral and cognitive group treatment for fear of flying: a randomized controlled trial.