Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Self-optimizing adaptive optics control with reinforcement learning for high-contrast imaging
Cryogenic characterization of the grating vector apodizing phase plate coronagraph for the enhanced resolution imager and spectrograph at the very large telescope
Heterodyne receiver for Origins
Lessons learned from SPHERE for the astrometric strategy of the next generation of exoplanet imaging instruments
Diffraction-limited integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive optics systems with the multicore fiber-fed integral-field unit
METIS high-contrast imaging: design and expected performance
Revised astrometric calibration of the Gemini Planet Imager
Spatial linear dark field control and holographic modal wavefront sensing with a vAPP coronagraph on MagAO-X
Wideband on-chip terahertz spectrometer based on a superconducting filterbank
Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite
Polarization modeling and predictions for DKIST part 2: application of the Berreman calculus to spectral polarization fringes of beamsplitters and crystal retarders
Alternative pyramid wavefront sensors