Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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"Effects of a mobile-based intervention for parents of children with crying, sleeping, and feeding problems
Digital coaching using smart inhaler technology to improve asthma management in patients with asthma in Italy
Correction: Digital coaching using smart inhaler technology to improve asthma management in patients with asthma in Italy
Impact of mobile health devices for the detection of atrial fibrillation: systematic review
Toward earlier diagnosis using combined eHealth tools in rheumatology
A mobile app for long term monitoring of narcolepsy symptoms
Examining Diabetes Management Apps Recommended From a Google Search: Content Analysis
Unveiling the Black Box of Diagnostic and Clinical Decision Support Systems for Antenatal Care: Realist Evaluation
Evaluating an mHealth App for Health and Well-Being at Work: Mixed-Method Qualitative Study
Behavior Change Techniques in mHealth Apps for the Mental and Physical Health of Employees: Systematic Assessment
One Drop | Mobile on iPhone and Apple Watch: An Evaluation of HbA1c Improvement Associated With Tracking Self-Care
High Level of Integration in Integrated Disease Management Leads to Higher Usage in the e-Vita Study: Self-Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With Web-Based Platforms in a Parallel Cohort Design
Cognitive Testing in People at Increased Risk of Dementia Using a Smartphone App: The iVitality Proof-of-Principle Study
Evaluation of the Use of Home Blood Pressure Measurement Using Mobile Phone-Assisted Technology: The iVitality Proof-of-Principle Study