Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Participatory action research as a driver for health promotion and prevention
Differing professional perspectives on the interprofessional collaboration in IPUs
Differing professional perspectives on the interprofessional collaboration in IPUs
Using design thinking for co-creating an integrated care pathway including hospital at home for older adults with an acute moderate-severe respiratory infection in the Netherlands
Monitoring the Dutch Solid Start Program
Practical recommendations for youth care professionals to improve evaluation and reflection during multidisciplinary team discussions
The value of merging medical data from ambulance services and general practice cooperatives using triple aim outcomes
A scoping review of alternative payment models in maternity care: insights in key design elements and effects on health and spending
What do parents expect in the 21st century?
What do parents expect in the 21st century?
Implementation of a Stepwise, Multidisciplinary Intervention for Pain and Challenging Behaviour in Dementia (STA OP!): A Process Evaluation
Changes in geriatric rehabilitation: a national programme to improve quality of care. The synergy and innovation in geriatric rehabilitation study
Assessing implementation variations of a disease management program in daily practice: the RECODE case study
Telepulmonology: effect on quality and efficiency of care