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(441 - 460 of 497)


Veiled Men, Private Women in Arabo-Islamic Culture
New Approaches to Migration: Transnational Communities and the Transformation of Home
Islamization and Secularization through Architecture. the Case of Ismailia
Seudati Inong The Female Form of t h e Martial Art Genre in Meulaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia
ISIM Opening Day
Muslims in Romania
Seeking the Individual in the Mediterranean Muslim World
Transformation Processes
Going for Visits with a Woman-Fakir: the African Diaspora in Gujarat
Women and Religious Politics in the Contemporary World
Political Islam in Sunni Communities of Lebanon
Religion and Trade in the Indian Ocean: Zanzibar in the 1800s
The French Center for Yemeni Studies
Research on Islam in the Nordic Countries
Contemporary Muslim Discourses on Human Rights
Enacting the Sharia Laws in a Dagestani Village
Internal Colonialism and China's Uyghur Muslim Minority
Islamic Reformism and Militancy in India
Subjugated to What Extent? Women in the Workplace Today in the United Arab Emirates
Researching Moroccan Islam in a Dutch Town
