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(521 - 540 of 579)


The Orient Institute in Beirut and Istanbul
Aspects of Islam in Thailand Today
Veiled Men, Private Women in Arabo-Islamic Culture
New Approaches to Migration: Transnational Communities and the Transformation of Home
Islamization and Secularization through Architecture. the Case of Ismailia
Seudati Inong The Female Form of t h e Martial Art Genre in Meulaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia
ISIM Opening Day
Muslims in Romania
Seeking the Individual in the Mediterranean Muslim World
Transformation Processes
Going for Visits with a Woman-Fakir: the African Diaspora in Gujarat
Women and Religious Politics in the Contemporary World
Political Islam in Sunni Communities of Lebanon
Religion and Trade in the Indian Ocean: Zanzibar in the 1800s
The French Center for Yemeni Studies
Research on Islam in the Nordic Countries
Contemporary Muslim Discourses on Human Rights
Enacting the Sharia Laws in a Dagestani Village
Internal Colonialism and China's Uyghur Muslim Minority
Islamic Reformism and Militancy in India
