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Do symptoms of anxiety and/or depression and pain intensity before primary Total knee arthroplasty influence reason for revision?
Internet-based treatment for depressive symptoms in hemodialysis patients
General distress and symptoms of anxiety and depression
Validity of a screening method for delirium risk in older patients admitted to a general hospital in the Netherlands
Clinical and sociodemographic associations with treatment selection in major depression
Differences in the association of inflammation and tryptophan with depressive symptoms between white and non-white chronic dialysis patients
The association of acculturation and depressive and anxiety symptoms in immigrant chronic dialysis patients
Electroconvulsive therapy in the intensive care unit for the treatment of catatonia: a case series and review of the literature
The metabolic syndrome and related characteristics in major depression: inpatients and outpatients compared Metabolic differences across treatment settings
Recognition of anxiety disorders by family physicians after rigorous medical record case extraction Results of the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety
Validation of the Risk Model for Delirium in hip fracture patients