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Evaluation of two spectro-temporal ripple tests and their relation to the Matrix speech-in-noise sentence test in cochlear implant recipients
Dynamic current focusing compared to monopolar stimulation in a take-home trial of cochlear implant users
Speech perception performance in cochlear implant recipients correlates to the number and synchrony of excited auditory nerve fibers derived from electrically evoked compound action potentials
Personalizing transient noise reduction algorithm settings for cochlear implant users
Cost-benefit Analysis of Cochlear Implants: A Societal Perspective
Detection of translocation of cochlear implant electrode arrays by intracochlear impedance measurements
Hearing status affects children's emotion understanding in dynamic social situations
Hearing status affects children's emotion understanding in dynamic social situations
Factors influencing speech perception in adults with a cochlear implant
SoftVoice improves speech recognition and reduces listening effort in cochlear implant users
Selection criteria for cochlear implantation in the United Kingdom and Flanders
Effectiveness of phantom stimulation in shifting the pitch percept in cochlear implant users
Test/Retest Variability of the eCAP Threshold in Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implant Users
Dynamic Current Focusing: A Novel Approach to Loudness Coding in Cochlear Implants
Evidence-Based Inclusion Criteria for Cochlear Implantation in Patients With Postlingual Deafness
The Precision of eCAP Thresholds Derived From Amplitude Growth Functions
Terrible Twos or Early Signs of Psychopathology? Developmental Patterns in Early Identified Preschoolers With Cochlear Implants Compared With Hearing Controls
Learning Effects in Psychophysical Tests of Spectral and Temporal Resolution
Use of Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potentials for Cochlear Implant Fitting: A Systematic Review
Dynamic Current Focusing: A Novel Approach to Loudness Coding in Cochlear Implants
