Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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A Balmer lines view of the KELT-9 b atmosphere
The MASCARA and bRing photometric monitoring networks
Classification of comet 67P dust at the nanometre scale with MIDAS on-board Rosetta
The near-infrared helium triplet: A tracer of extended atmospheres
Water vapour detection in hot Jupiters with the CARMENES NIR channel
Direct Laser Desorption of Amino Acids using LIMS
In-situ analysis of 1.9 Ga chert with a miniature mass spectrometer for space: Chemical profiling of microfossils preserved in the host mineral
Serendipitous Asteroid Detections with JWST-MIRI
Heavy metals in the transmission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9 b
Satellites Form Fast and Late: a Population Synthesis for the Galilean Moons
The ultra-cold night sides of the hot and super-hot Jupiters WASP-43b and WASP-18b, arising with deep wind flow