Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Hemoglobin Yamagata [beta 132(H10)Lys -> Asn; (HBB: c.399A > T)]: a mosaic to be put together
Hemocytometric characteristics of COVID-19 patients with and without cytokine storm syndrome on the sysmex XN-10 hematology analyzer
The end of the laboratory developed test as we know it? Recommendations from a national multidisciplinary taskforce of laboratory specialists on the interpretation of the IVDR and its complications
Fast 0/1-h algorithm for detection of NSTEMI: are current high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays fit for purpose? An EQA-based evaluation
Accuracy assessment of consecutive test strip lots for whole blood INR point-of-care instruments: clarifying the role of frozen plasma pools
Requirement of a reference measurement system for the tissue factor-induced coagulation time and the international normalized ratio
MS-based proteomics: a metrological sound and robust alternative for apolipoprotein E phenotyping in a multiplexed test
NUMBER: standardized reference intervals in the Netherlands using a 'big data' approach
The quest for equivalence of test results: the pilgrimage of the Dutch Calibration 2.000 program for metrological traceability
Detecting molecular forms of antithrombin by LC-MRM-MS: defining the measurands
International normalized ratio (INR) testing in Europe: between-laboratory comparability of test results obtained by Quick and Owren reagents
Harmonization of External Quality Assessment Schemes and their role - clinical chemistry and beyond
Harmonization of PCR-based detection of intestinal pathogens: experiences from the Dutch external quality assessment scheme on molecular diagnosis of protozoa in stool samples
MS-based proteomics: a metrological sound and robust alternative for apolipoprotein E phenotyping in a multiplexed test
Glucose and total protein: unacceptable interference on Jaffe creatinine assays in patients
Interference of glucose and total protein on Jaffe based creatinine methods: mind the covolume - reply
Fibrinogen determination according to Clauss: commutability assessment of International and commercial standards and quality control samples
Expressing analytical performance from multi-sample evaluation in laboratory EQA
Time for a holistic approach and standardization education in laboratory medicine
