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Absolute dissociation cross sections for D2 dissociation on Pt steps
A molecular beam study of D2 dissociation on Pt(111): Testing SRP-DFT calculations
Chemically accurate simulation of dissociative chemisorption of D2 on Pt(111)
Electron tunnelling through azurin is mediated by the active site Cu ion
A single-molecule study of the relation between the resonance frequency and the orientation of a guest molecule in a Shpol'skii system
Bacteriochlorophyll/imidazole and chlorophyll/imidazole complexes are negatively charged in an apolar environment
An optical study of single pentacene molecules in n-tetradecane
The transition state in the isomerization of rhodopsin
Probing the energy landscape of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers at cryogenic temperatures by ESEEM of spin-polarised D+QA− radical pairs
Evidence that Ala M260 is hydrogen-bonded to the reduced primary acceptor quinone QA−. in reaction centers of Rb. sphaeroides
Photoluminescence of molecular C70 at 1.5 K. On the nature of the lowest excited states
Anisotropic motion of semiquinones in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 and in frozen isopropanol solution as measured by pulsed high-field EPR at 95 GHz
Electron paramagnetic resonance of the primary radical pair [D·+φA·−] in reaction centers of photosynthetic bacteria
Control of radical pair lifetimes by microwave irradiation
On the intersystem crossing of pentacene in p-terphenyl
Ab initio molecular dynamics of retinals
The primary acceptor quinone QA in reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 is hydrogen bonded to the Nσ(1)-H of His M219. An electron spin echo study of QA−•
MAS NMR structure refinement of uniformly 13C enriched chlorophyll a/water aggregates with 2D dipolar correlation spectroscopy
ESEEM study of spin-spin interactions in spin-polarised P+QA− pairs in the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26
An ENDOR and ESEEM study of the blue copper protein azurin
