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(141 - 160 of 202)


spFRET studies of nucleosome dynamics modulated by histone modifications, histone variants and neighboring nucleosomes
Spin-label EPR Approaches to Protein Interactions
On the geometry of fracture and frustration
Cellular forces : adhering, shaping, sensing and dividing
Granular flows : fluidization and anisotropy
Stable single molecules for quantum optics and all-optical switches
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Effects of heavy fields on inflationary cosmology
Strings and AdS/CFT at finite density
Search for cosmic neutrinos with ANTARES
Integer and fractional quantum hall effects in lattice magnets
Magnetism and magnetization dynamics in thin film ferromagnets
Fermions and bosons : excitons in strongly correlated materials
Foam Rheology Near the Jamming Transition
On topological Properties of Superconducting Nanowires
Unravelling Heterodyne Force Microscopy
Single molecules in soft matter : a study of biomolecular conformation, heterogeneity and plasmon enhanced fluorescence
Solitary Waves and Fluctuations in Fragile Matter
DNA Mechanics Inside Plectonemes, Nucleosomes and Chromatin Fibers
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy at milliKelvin Temperatures
