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Treatment preferences and involvement in treatment decision making of patients with endometrial cancer and clinicians
Immunological subtypes in breast cancer are prognostic for invasive ductal but not for invasive lobular breast carcinoma
Clinical prognostic value of combined analysis of Aldh1, Survivin, and EpCAM expression in colorectal cancer
FGF receptor genes and breast cancer susceptibility: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium
Chronic fatigue in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors and associations with anxiety, depression and comorbidity
Combined analysis of HLA class I, HLA-E and HLA-G predicts prognosis in colon cancer patients
Reply: Comment on 'Chemotherapy for testicular cancer induces acute alterations in diastolic heart function'
Epigenetic status of LINE-1 predicts clinical outcome in early-stage rectal cancer
Do type 1 receptor tyrosine kinases inform treatment choice? A prospectively planned analysis of the TEAM trial
Reply: 'Comment on Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk in chemotherapy-treated testicular germ cell tumour survivors'
Spindle cell morphology is related to poor prognosis in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Surface proteomic analysis of osteosarcoma identifies EPHA2 as receptor for targeted drug delivery
Reduced expression of bone morphogenetic protein receptor IA in pancreatic cancer is associated with a poor prognosis
Src kinases in chondrosarcoma chemoresistance and migration: dasatinib sensitises to doxorubicin in TP53 mutant cells
Chemotherapy for testicular cancer induces acute alterations in diastolic heart function
Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk in chemotherapy-treated testicular germ cell tumour survivors
Assessment of DNA methylation status in early stages of breast cancer development
Multiparameter DNA content analysis identifies distinct groups in primary breast cancer
Role of IL-12p40 in cervical carcinoma
Single-visit approach of cervical cancer screening: See and Treat in Indonesia
