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RNA sequencing reveals a depletion of collagen targeting microRNAs in Dupuytren's disease
Kinome and mRNA expression profiling of high-grade osteosarcoma cell lines implies Akt signaling as possible target for therapy
Next-generation text-mining mediated generation of chemical response-specific gene sets for interpretation of gene expression data
Next-generation text-mining mediated generation of chemical response-specific gene sets for interpretation of gene expression data
mRNA expression profiles of primary high-grade central osteosarcoma are preserved in cell lines and xenografts
Dual exon skipping in myostatin and dystrophin for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
EMT is the dominant program in human colon cancer
Gastric cancers of Western European and African patients show different patterns of genomic instability
Insight in modulation of inflammation in response to diclofenac intervention: a human intervention study