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Metabolomic predictors of phenotypic traits can replace and complement measured clinical variables in population-scale expression profiling studies
Diabetes risk loci-associated pathways are shared across metabolic tissues
Whole genome sequencing and the application of a SNP panel reveal primary evolutionary lineages and genomic variation in the lion (Panthera leo)
Whole genome sequencing and the application of a SNP panel reveal primary evolutionary lineages and genomic variation in the lion (Panthera leo)
Genome sequencing of the neotype strain CBS 554.65 reveals the MAT1–2 locus of Aspergillus niger
Correction for both common and rare cell types in blood is important to identify genes that correlate with age
Infection and RNA-seq analysis of a zebrafish tlr2 mutant shows a broad function of this toll-like receptor in transcriptional and metabolic control and defense to Mycobacterium marinum infection
BacTag - a pipeline for fast and accurate gene and allele typing in bacterial sequencing data based on database preprocessing
Genome expansion of an obligate parthenogenesis-associated Wolbachia poses an exception to the symbiont reduction model
Infection and RNA-seq analysis of a zebrafish tlr2 mutant shows a broad function of this toll-like receptor in transcriptional and metabolic control and defense to Mycobacterium marinum infection
Infection and RNA-seq analysis of a zebrafish tlr2 mutant shows a broad function of this toll-like receptor in transcriptional and metabolic control and defense to Mycobacterium marinum infection
Regulatory and sequence evolution in response to selection for improved associative learning ability in Nasonia vitripennis
The genome of the water strider Gerris buenoi reveals expansions of gene repertoires associated with adaptations to life on the water
A SNP panel for identification of DNA and RNA specimens
Satellite DNA in Paphiopedilum subgenus Parvisepalum as revealed by high-throughput sequencing and fluorescent in situ hybridization
Lack of 14-3-3 proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in cell-to-cell heterogeneity in the expression of Pho4-regulated genes SPL2 and PHO84.
Coping with living in the soil: the genome of the parthenogenetic springtail Folsomia candida
The dynamics of early-state transcriptional changes and aggregate formation in a Huntington's disease cell model
Inter- and intra-species variation in genome-wide gene expression of Drosophila in response to parasitoid wasp attack
Transcriptome dynamics in early zebrafish embryogenesis determined by high-resolution time course analysis of 180 successive, individual zebrafish embryos.
