Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Probing beat perception with Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in human adults, newborns, and nonhuman primates
Antimicrobial Host Defence Peptides: Immunomodulatory Functions and Translational Prospects
Microglial Cell Dysfunction in CRB1-Associated Retinopathies
Pericytes in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Diagnostic Guidance for C. difficile Infections
The ESCMID Study Group for Clostridium difficile: History, Role and Perspectives
Preparing Data at the Source to Foster Interoperability across Rare Disease Resources
Protocol for Standardizing High-to-Moderate Abundance Protein Biomarker Assessments Through an MRM-with-Standard-Peptides Quantitative Approach
Automation of Technology for Cancer Research
Exome and Whole Genome Sequencing in Aging and Longevity
Zebrafish as a Model for Human Osteosarcoma
Epigenetic control in immune function