Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The Origins of [C II] Emission in Local Star-forming Galaxies
Low-frequency Carbon Radio Recombination Lines. I. Calculations of Departure Coefficients
An ALMA Survey of DCN/H13CN and DCO+/H13CO+ in Protoplanetary Disks
Observational Evidence Linking Interstellar UV Absorption to PAH Molecules
ZFIRE: Similar Stellar Growth in Hα-emitting Cluster and Field Galaxies at z ~ 2
Interpreting Brightness Asymmetries in Transition Disks: Vortex at Dead Zone or Planet-carved Gap Edges?
Candidate Water Vapor Lines to Locate the H2O Snowline through High-dispersion Spectroscopic Observations. II. The Case of a Herbig Ae Star
The Slow Orbital Evolution of the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J0029+5934
Molecular Gas in Three z ~ 7 Quasar Host Galaxies
Mass Transport from the Envelope to the Disk of V346 Nor: A Case Study for the Luminosity Problem in an FUor-type Young Eruptive Star
A Multi-wavelength Analysis of Dust and Gas in the SR 24S Transition Disk
The Dense Molecular Gas and Nuclear Activity in the ULIRG IRAS 13120-5453
Protoplanetary Disks in ρ Ophiuchus as Seen from ALMA
The Gould's Belt Distances Survey (GOBELINS). I. Trigonometric Parallax Distances and Depth of the Ophiuchus Complex
A Spatially Resolved Study of Cold Dust, Molecular Gas, H II Regions, and Stars in the z 2.12 Submillimeter Galaxy ALESS67.1
Characterization and Modeling of Contamination for Lyman Break Galaxy Samples at High Redshift
A Chemical Composition Survey of the Iron-complex Globular Cluster NGC 6273 (M19)
Cosmic Web of Galaxies in the COSMOS Field: Public Catalog and Different Quenching for Centrals and Satellites
The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey: Luminosity and Envelope Evolution
A Spectroscopic Follow-up Program of Very Massive Galaxies at 3 < z < 4: Confirmation of Spectroscopic Redshifts, and a High Fraction of Powerful AGNs
