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Research into the Bandkeramik settlement of the Aldenhovener, Platte in the Rhineland
Interstellar grain explosions - Molecule cycling between gas and dust
Problèmes de documentation apollinopolite
Settlement site selection in Drenthe in later prehistoric times: Criteria and considerations
The settlement system of the Dutch linearbandkeramik
Réalisme et roman africain
Structure in the Universe from one massive neutrino
Reduced bases for lattices and factorization of polynomials, Sém. théorie des nombres
Neutral hydrogen in two extremely isolated galaxies
Het jus de non evocando (artikel 1.16)
Climatic change, archaeology and Quaternary Science in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
The radio H II regions associated with CEP A
Los Indígenas de México en la época precolombina y en la actualidad
Multiaperture photometry of galaxies. II - Near-infrared observations of six isolated objects
Woorden met vleugels. Orale literatuur in Afrika
Sprekerstrategie en de perceptieve dominantie van het woordbegin
