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Consistency of Recommendations for Evaluation and Management of Hypertension
Common methodological pitfalls and new developments in systematic review meta-analyses
Recommendations for rosacea diagnosis, classification and management: update from the global ROSacea COnsensus 2019 panel
Interventions for rosacea based on the phenotype approach: an updated systematic review including GRADE assessments
Why does the BJD require registration of systematic reviews and meta-analyses?
A breathtaking DRESS due to amoxicillin-clavulanate presenting as polymorphic eruption of the pregnancy
Effects of low-carbohydrate- compared with low-fat-diet interventions on metabolic control in people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review including GRADE assessments
Palladium-induced granulomas analysed with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Light on fumaric acid esters therapy for psoriasis
Laser treatment of congenital melanocytic naevi: a systematic review
AGREE II assessments of recent acne treatment guidelines: how well do they reveal trustworthiness as defined by the US Institute of Medicine criteria?
Emollients and moisturisers for eczema
Emollients and moisturizers for eczema: abridged Cochrane systematic review including GRADE assessments
Systematic reviews: let's keep them trustworthy
Oral Spironolactone for Acne Vulgaris in Adult Females: A Hybrid Systematic Review
Interventions for Female Pattern Hair Loss
Updating the diagnosis, classification and assessment of rosacea: recommendations from the global ROSacea COnsensus (ROSCO) panel
Antibiotic use for irreversible pulpitis
