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Generalizing few-shot named entity recognizers to unseen domains with type-related features
Sculpting the genome and beyond
Corrigendum to “The importance of flexible hydropower in providing electricity stability during China’s coal phase-out” [Appl. Energy 336 (2023) 120684]
The importance of flexible hydropower in providing electricity stability during China’s coal phase-out
A framework for identifying bird conservation priority areas in croplands at national level
Analysis of historical changes in traditional Chinese medicine based on an Indonesian collection of Chinese materia medica from c.1870
Analysis of historical changes in traditional Chinese medicine based on an Indonesian collection of Chinese materia medica from c. 1870
Possible effects of EXT2 on mesenchymal differentiation - lessons from the zebrafish
HSPG-Deficient Zebrafish Uncovers Dental Aspect of Multiple Osteochondromas