Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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RNA-seq analysis of Lgr6(+) stem cells and identification of an Lgr6 isoform
Human Bone Marrow-Resident Natural Killer Cells Have a Unique Transcriptional Profile and Resemble Resident Memory CD8(+) T Cells
Transcriptional profiling and biomarker identification reveal tissue specific effects of expanded ataxin-3 in a spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 mouse model
Transcriptional profiling and biomarker identification reveal tissue specific effects of expanded ataxin-3 in a spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 mouse model
ARTISAN PCR: rapid identification of full-length immunoglobulin rearrangements without primer binding bias
The B-Cell Receptor of Primary Cutaneous Follicle Center Lymphoma: Implications for Pathogenesis
Antigen-Independent, Autonomous B-Cell Receptor Signaling As a Dominant Candidate Oncogenic Mechanism in ABC DLBCL
Whole-transcriptome analysis of flow-sorted cervical cancer samples reveals that B cell expressed TCL1A is correlated with improved survival