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SCT in pediatric AML: Does the type of conditioning regimen matter? Analysis on behalf of the Pediatric Disease Working Party of the EBMT
EBMT metaanalysis of treosulfan conditioning before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in paediatric patients with haematological malignancies
Treosulfan-based conditioning regimens for allogeneic HSCT in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
RANKL Cytokine: From Pioneer of the Osteoimmunology Era to Cure for a Rare Disease
Multiple infusions of mesenchymal stromal cells induce sustained remission in children with steroid-refractory, grade III-IV acute graft-versus-host disease
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for advanced myelodysplastic syndrome in children: results of the EWOG-MDS 98 study
Co-infusion of ex vivo-expanded, parental MSCs prevents life-threatening acute GVHD, but does not reduce the risk of graft failure in pediatric patients undergoing allogeneic umbilical cord blood transplantation
