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Observing the origin of superconductivity in quantum critical metals
Holographic fermions in external magnetic fields
Straining topological insulators as a way to detect Majorana fermions
Nonlinear mesoscopic transport in a strongly cooperative electron system : The La(0.67)Ca(0.33)MnO(3) microbridge
Proximity of the Superconducting Dome and the Quantum Critical Point in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
Spectral probes of the holographic Fermi ground state: Dialing between the electron star and AdS Dirac hair
Condensing Nielsen-Olesen strings and the vortex-boson duality in 3+1 and higher dimensions
Stability of Quantum Critical Points in the Presence of Competing Orders
Parallel Transport of Electrons in Graphene Parallels Gravity
A Systematic Study of Electron-Phonon Coupling to Oxygen Modes Across the Cuprates
Electronic states of graphene grain boundaries
Strong energy-momentum dispersion of phonon-dressed carriers in the lightly doped band insulator SrTiO3
Berry phase of dislocations in graphene and valley conserving decoherence
Spin orbital frustrations and anomalous metalic state in iron-pnictide superconductors
Quantum critical electron systems: the uncharted sign worlds
Charge dynamics of doped holes in high Tc cuprate superconductors: A clue from optical conductivity
Non-Abelian hydrodynamics and the flow of spin in spin-orbit coupled substances
Relation between decoherence and spontaneous symmetry breaking in many-particle qubits
Doping dependence of the coupling of electrons to bosonic modes in the single-layer high-temperature Bi2Sr2CuO6 superconductor
Quantum smectic as a dislocation Higgs phase
