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Ejecta, rings, and dust in SN 1987A with JWST MIRI/MRS
Nuclear high-ionisation outflow in the compton-thick AGN NGC 6552 as seen by the JWST mid-infrared instrument
MIDIS: strong (H-beta+[O III]) and H-alpha emitters at redshift z ≃ 7-8 unveiled with JWST NIRCam and MIRI imaging in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field
JWST MIRI flight performance: The medium-mesolution spectrometer
The Mid-infrared Instrument for JWST and its in-flight performance
Investigating the physical properties of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization with MIRI/JWST spectroscopy
The mid-infrared instrument for the James Webb space telescope, VI
The mid-infrared instrument for the James Webb space telescope, II