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The Dusty Galactic Center as Seen by SCUBA-2
Photon dominated regions in the spiral arms of M 83 and M 51
IRAS sources beyond the solar circle. II - Distribution in the Galactic warp
An OH survey of Orion South and GMC214 - 13
High spectral-resolution CO observations of NGC 6814 and NGC 7793
Star formation in the outer Galaxy
The velocity field of the outer Galaxy in the Southern Hemisphere. II - CO observations of galactic nebulae
The velocity field of the outer Galaxy in the Southern Hemisphere. I - Catalogue of nebulous objects
OH observations of cloud complexes in Taurus
Molecular clouds in the Perseus arm
CO (J = 2-1) observations of molecular clouds associated with H II regions from the southern hemisphere
OH observations of the Ophiuchus complex
The star-forming region in Cepheus A
OH observations of molecular clouds near MON OB 1 and MON OB 2
A C-12O (J = 2 - 1) survey of southern hemisphere dark clouds, reflection nebulae and Herbig-Haro type objects
A first CO(J = 2 - 1) survey of the southern Milky Way
The radio H II regions associated with CEP A
OH observations of molecular complexes in Orion and Taurus
A new main line OH maser with a probable Zeeman pattern
