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Rhesus macaques self-curing from a schistosome infection can display complete immunity to challenge
Micro Array-Assisted Analysis of Anti-Schistosome Glycan Antibodies Elicited by Protective Vaccination With Irradiated Cercariae
Specific anti-glycan antibodies are sustained during and after parasite clearance in Schistosoma japonicum-infected rhesus macaques
Evidence That Rhesus Macaques Self-Cure from a Schistosoma japonicum Infection by Disrupting Worm Esophageal Function: A New Route to an Effective Vaccine?
Drug-Induced Exposure of Schistosoma mansoni Antigens SmCD59a and SmKK7
Tools for diagnosis, monitoring and screening of Schistosoma infections utilizing lateral-flow based assays and upconverting phosphor labels