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Protoplanetary disk science with the Orbiting Astronomical Satellite Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS) observatory
The space interferometer for cosmic evolution (SPICE) far-IR probe
Distributions of gas and small and large grains in the LkH alpha 330 disk trace a young planetary system
Orbiting Astronomical Satellite for Investigating Stellar Systems (OASIS)
Discovery of an edge-on circumstellar debris disk around BD+45° 598
The TW Hya Rosetta Stone project
A hydrocarbon rich atmosphere in the closest planet forming disk?
VLA cm-wave survey of young stellar objects in the Oph A cluster: constraining extreme UV- and X-ray-driven disk photoevaporation. A pathfinder for Square Kilometre Array studies
A dust and gas cavity in the disc around CQ Tau revealed by ALMA
Realizing the Unique Potential of ALMA to Probe the Gas Reservoir of Planet Formation
Distributed star formation throughout the galactic center cloud Sgr B2
A dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 6 revealed by strong gravitational lensing
SONS: The JCMT legacy survey of debris discs in the submillimetre
Steepening of the 820 μm continuum surface brightness profile signals dust evolution in TW Hya's disk
The AU Mic Debris Disk: Far-infrared and Submillimeter Resolved Imaging
The comet-like composition of a protoplanetary disk as revealed by complex cyanides
A Combined Spitzer and Herschel Infrared Study of Gas and Dust in the Circumbinary Disk Orbiting V4046 Sgr
Gravitational Lens Models Based on Submillimeter Array Imaging of Herschel-selected Strongly Lensed Sub-millimeter Galaxies at z > 1.5
Spiral Arms in the Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets
Spiral Arms in the Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets