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Increased histological tumor pigmentation in uveal melanoma is related to eye color and loss of chromosome 3/BAP1
Zebrafish patient-derived xenograft model as a preclinical platform for uveal melanoma drug discovery
Chromosome 3 and 8q aberrations in uveal melanoma show greater impact on survival in patients with light Iris versus dark iris color
LAG3 and its ligands show increased expression in high-risk uveal melanoma
In uveal melanoma, angiopoietin-2 but not angiopoietin-1 is increased in high-risk tumors, providing a potential druggable target
Expression of HDACs 1, 3 and 8 Is upregulated in the presence of Infiltrating lymphocytes in uveal melanoma
MiRNAs correlate with HLA expression in uveal melanoma
Five decades of enucleations for uveal melanoma in one center
HDAC inhibition increases HLA class I expression in uveal melanoma
Iris colour and the risk of developing uveal melanoma
Aqueous Humor Biomarkers Identify Three Prognostic Groups in Uveal Melanoma
HLA Expression in Uveal Melanoma: An Indicator of Malignancy and a Modifiable Immunological Target
Soluble HLA in the Aqueous Humour of Uveal Melanoma Is Associated with Unfavourable Tumour Characteristics
Do GNAQ and GNA11 Differentially Affect Inflammation and HLA Expression in Uveal Melanoma?
Loss of BAP1 Is Associated with Upregulation of the NFkB Pathway and Increased HLA Class I Expression in Uveal Melanoma
Tumour Angiogenesis in Uveal Melanoma Is Related to Genetic Evolution
Ischemia Is Related to Tumour Genetics in Uveal Melanoma