Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Automated image analysis of hand radiographs reveals widened joint spaces in patients with long-term control of acromegaly: relation to disease activity and symptoms
Automated image analysis of hand radiographs reveals widened joint spaces in patients with long term control of acromegaly: relation to disease activity and symptoms
Low prevalence of hypopituitarism after traumatic brain injury: a multicenter study
High prevalence of vertebral fractures despite normal bone mineral density in patients with long-term controlled acromegaly
Arthropathy in long-term cured acromeagaly is characterised by osteophytes without joint space narrowing: a comparison with generalised osteoarthritis
Arthropathy in long-term cured acromeagaly is characterised by osteophytes without joint space narrowing: a comparison with generalised osteoarthritis
High prevalence of vertebral fractures despite normal bone mineral density in patients with long term controlled acromegaly
Increased Psychopathology and Maladaptive Personality Traits, But Normal Cognitive Functioning, In Patients after Long-Term Cure of Acromegaly
Doyle Index is a valuable additional pain measure in osteoarthritis
Arthropathy in Long-Term Cured Acromegaly; a Comparison with Primary Osteoarthritis
Subtle Cognitive Impairments in Patients with Long-Term Cure of Cushing's Disease
Clinical osteoarthritis predicts physical and psychological QoL in acromegaly patients
Acromegaly : irreversible clinical consequences
Acromegaly Is Associated with an Increased Prevalence of Colonic Diverticula: A Case-Control Study
Clinical osteoarthritis predicts physical and psychological QoL in acromegaly patients
Hypopituitarism following traumatic brain injury: prevalence is affected by the use of different dynamic tests and different normal values